Crowne Zoyiagrass is an aggressive, dark green, course textured lawn grass. It is best suited for use as a warm-season turfgrass for golf course roughs, home lawns, industrial parks and highway right-of-ways throughout the central mid-western states. Crowne is noted for its tolerance to drought, cold weather and its rapid recuperative ability.
Maintenance Quality
Insect Tolerance
Disease Tolerance
With Cutlass Zoysia, you might as well put the mower back in the garage. You’re not going to be mowing for a while. Cutlass Zoysia is an extremely low maintenance grass. It’s drought tolerant and shade tolerant like other zoysias, but what makes it special is its growth habit. Most of the growth of this grass goes to the roots and horizontally across the lawn for great coverage. What it doesn’t do is grow much vertically. This creates a strong, resilient lawn that you hardly have to mow!
Cutlass Zoysia Specs
El Toro Zoysia is a patented zoysia variety developed by Dr. Victor B. Youngner at the University of California-Riverside. It has a medium width leaf blade similar to Meyer Zoysia (Z-52), however it has a far superior establishment rate. It’s aggressive lateral growth and ability to recover from injury, makes it an ideal selection for shaded high traffic areas on golf courses, home lawns and athletic fields where bermuda grass isn’t suitable. It has a dark green color, excellent shade tolerance and requires less fertilizer and mowing than bermuda grass. It is also much more drought tolerant than Meyer Zoysia making it an excellent choice for low maintenance areas. It can tolerate mowing heights from ½ inch to 3 inches. This is an excellent all-around turfgrass with many practical uses for golf courses, home lawns, and utility turf areas. It is only available through licensed producers and can be established from sod or sprigs.
El Toro Zoysia Maintenance & Calendar
This calendar of suggested management practices is designed to assist you in the seasonal care of your lawn. Location, terrain, soil type and condition, age of the lawn, previous lawn care, and other factors affect turf performance. For these reasons, the following management practices and dates should be adjusted to suit your particular home lawn conditions.
March through May
Mow the lawn when it turns green in the spring using a reel mower set at 3/4 to I inch or a rotary mower set as low as possible without scalping the lawn. Mow before the grass grows taller than 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Recycle nutrients by not collecting clippings unless they are unsightly or in clumps.
Apply 1/2 pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet 3 weeks after the grass turns green. In absence of a soil test, use a complete (N-P-K) turf-grade fertilizer with a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio (for example 12-4-8 or 16-4-8). Submit a soil sample to determine nutrient requirements, if you haven’t already done so.
To determine the amount of product required to apply 1/2 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, divide 50 by the first number in the fertilizer radio. For example, for a 5-5-15 fertilizer, divide 50 by 5. The result is 10 pounds of product per thousand square feet.
Water to a soil depth of 4 to 6 inches. Probe with a screwdriver to determine moisture depth. Zoysiagrass needs a weekly application of 1 to 1 1/4 inches of water. On sandy soils, it requires more frequent watering. For example, some sandy soils need 1/2 inch of water every third day. (It takes 620 gallons of water to apply 1 inch of water per thousand square feet.) Because clay soils accept water slowly, irrigate these areas until runoff occurs; wait half an hour until the water has been absorbed, and then continue irrigating until the desired depth or amount is obtained, Foot printing, and wilted, folded, or curled leaves indicate that it is time to water. Proper irrigation may prevent or reduce pest problems and environmental stress later in the summer.
Weed Control
To control crabgrass, goose grass, and foxtail, apply pre-emergent herbicides by the time the dogwoods are in full bloom. Apply post emergent herbicides in May as needed to control summer annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, such as knotweed, spurge, and lespedeza. Products containing two or three broadleaf herbicides are usually more effective in controlling several different broadleaf weeds in a lawn. Be sure the product is labeled for use on zoysiagrass. Apply only if weeds are present and wait until 3 weeks after the grass turns green.
Insect Control
Check for white grubs and control them if necessary.
Thatch Removal
Vertically mow (power rake) after the grass turns green to remove thatch if it is more than 1/2 inch thick. Do not attempt to remove too much thatch at one time because zoysiagrass has a slow recovery rate. It may take several years to get thatch under control.
Replant large bare areas using sod. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide that does not interfere with root growth after plugging to help prevent weed encroachment. Crabgrass, goose grass, dallisgrass, nutsedge, annual sedges, and sandbur can be controlled with post emergent grass control herbicides. Two or three applications 7 to 10 days apart are required for effective control. Zoysiagrasses are sensitive to these compounds, so select the application carefully.
June through August
Follow the March-May mowing guidelines.
Apply 1/2 pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet in late June or early July and repeat in mid-August using March - May fertilizer guidelines.
Follow the March-May irrigation guidelines.
Weed Control
Apply post emergent herbicides as needed to control summer annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, such as knotweed, purge, and lespedeza. Do not apply post emergent herbicides unless weeds are present, grass is actively growing, and the lawn is not suffering from drought stress. (See Cooperative Extension Service publication AG-408. Pest Control Recommendations felt Turfgrass Managers.)
Insect Control
Follow the March-May insect control guidelines. August is the best time to control grubs because they are very small and close to the soil surface.
Thatch Removal
Vertically mow (power mow) in June using the March-May thatch removal guidelines.
September through November
Mow the lawn using the March-May guidelines.
Fertilize with 1 pound of potash (K20)2 using 1.6 pounds of muriate of potash (0-0-60), 2 pounds of potassium sulfate (0-0-50), or 5 pounds of sul-po-mag (0-0-22) per thousand square felt.
To determine the amount of product required to apply 1 pound of potash per thousand square feet, divide 100 by the third number in the fertilizer ratio. For example, for a 6-6-12 fertilizer, divide 100 by 12. The result is 8.3 pounds of product per thousand square feet.
Follow the March-May irrigation guidelines. Dormant zoysiagrass may still need to be watered periodically when warm, windy weather prevails.
Weed Control
Apply pre-emergent or post emergent herbicides as needed to control winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, such as chickweed and henbit. Pre-emergent herbicides will not control existing perennial weeds. Apply post emergent herbicides only when weeds are present.
Insect Control
Follow the March-May insect control guidelines.
December through February
Follow the March-May mowing guidelines. Zoysiagrass need not be mowed when dormant.
Do not fertilize.
Dormant zoysiagrass may need to be irrigated periodically to prevent desiccation, especially when warm, windy weather prevails.
Weed Control
Apply broadleaf herbicides as necessary to control chickweed, henbit, and hop clover. Selective herbicides can be applied in November or December to control annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and several annual broadleaf weeds. Apply post emergent herbicides only when weeds are present.
Empire was developed in Brazil. As a result, it thrives in extreme heat and humidity. Empire is an adaptable zoysia—it can adapt to the varying climatic conditions of the southern United States as well as to a wide range of soil types. Its massive root system runs deep and sustains the grass through periods of drought, heavy use, and harsh conditions while providing rapid injury recovery. Empire is used for residential and commercial sites.
Empire Zoysia Specs
Empire Zoysia Care
EMPIRE zoysia is a revolutionary medium-bladed, dark green zoysiagrass that features excellent wear tolerance, requires less mowing and chemical applications and is chinch bug resistant. More importantly, EMPIRE Turf allows the water supply to be shut off in severe periods of drought without the danger of permanently harming the lawn. EMPIRE Turf…one lawn…many benefits. EMPIRE is the perfect choice for most home lawns as well as golf applications. EMPIRE is The Proven Zoysia grass, thriving in areas where others are not well adapted.
As one the most drought tolerant zoysias available, JaMur Zoysia requires less water to produce a lush, dense turf. University research and NTEP (the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) proves JaMur’s excellent ability to recover from traffic and wear. Go ahead, let the kids and the dogs play on it!
JaMur Zoysia Specs
With its adaptability to full sun and moderate shade sites, JaMur is one of the most versatile turfgrass varieties available. JaMur Zoysia is a medium textured grass, similar in look to El Toro grass, but it’s a lot easier to manage. JaMur needs less water and less fertilizer than other standard lawn grasses. Once established, this dense turf tends to choke out weeds. In addition, JaMur is considered a much-improved replacement for other Zoysia cultivars, including El Toro, Meyer, Palisades, Empire, & Crown. Its attractive blue-green color is the best choice for high visibility areas, and high traffic residential and commercial applications.
JaMur is one of the most versatile grasses on the market today. It does well in sun or shade, cold or heat, home lawns or commercial applications. Sold as sod only.
As one the most drought tolerant zoysias available, JaMur Zoysia requires less water to produce a lush, dense turf. University research and NTEP (the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) proves JaMur’s excellent ability to recover from traffic and wear. Go ahead, let the kids and the dogs play on it!
JaMur Zoysia Care
With its adaptability to full sun and moderate shade sites, JaMur is one of the most versatile turfgrass varieties available. JaMur Zoysia is a medium textured grass, similar in look to El Toro grass, but it’s a lot easier to manage. JaMur needs less water and less fertilizer than other standard lawn grasses. Once established, this dense turf tends to choke out weeds. In addition, JaMur is considered a much-improved replacement for other Zoysia cultivars, including El Toro, Meyer, Palisades, Empire, & Crown. Its attractive blue-green color is the best choice for high visibility areas, and high traffic residential and commercial applications.
Palisades was developed at Texas A&M’s Agricultural Experiment Station from a zoysia with Beltsville, MD origins. It is a medium-textured grass that is noted for its shade tolerance and low water use requirements. It is used on residential, commercial, and golf sites. When compared to St. Augustine, Palisades has a comparable shade tolerance, requires less water and fertilizer, and is a thicker, denser turfgrass. During extremely dry periods, Palisades only requires one to two deep irrigations per month.
Palisades Zoysia Specs
Palisades Zoysia Care
"Developed and released by Texas A&M University, Palisades Zoysia is a variety of Zoysia Japonica, which originally came to North America from Japan in 1895. Palisades Zoysia is one of the most popular coarse textured Zoysia grasses in the United States. In addition to its medium-coarse texture, it tolerates heat and withstands cold relatively well. It also handles moderate shade and salty conditions quite well. Most importantly, Palisades Zoysia is one of the most drought tolerant of the Zoysias. In fact, some studies have shown it to survive up to 15 weeks without water. Another crucial distinguishing point about Palisades Zoysia is that it can be mowed to as low as ½ inch in height. This aspect of the grass, along with its hardiness in dry conditions, makes it an ideal turf for golf course fairways and roughs – and, of course, for residential lawns. Palisades Zoysia, like many other Zoysias, is a highly dense turf and is also appropriate for highway medians and rights of way, and for industrial and commercial parks.
Extremely drought tolerant
Medium coarse texture
Can be mowed to ½ inch height
Salt and shade tolerance
Thrives in hot and relatively cold conditions
High-density growth pattern
Intended Use: Commercial,Golf,Residential
Mowing Height: 1/2" - 2"
Trinity Zoysia (formally L1F Zoysia) is one of the latest innovations from Bladerunner Farms, a leader in turf grass development for over 30 years. Trinity is a dwarf variety of zoysiagrass and is the perfect choice for golf courses, from tee to green. With an extremely fine texture, Trinity is also a great option to achieve a well-manicured look for residential or commercial sites as well.
Created specifically with the needs of golf courses in mind, Trinity offers a soft textured surface with upright blade orientation. Trinity delivers a smooth surface with less thatch than other zoysiagrass varieties and best of all it requires very little upkeep.
Trinity is an extremely durable grass that is wear tolerant, shade tolerant, and has a low fertility requirement. This grass flourishes at a low cut height, usually best maintained at a 1” or lower mowing height. Trinity is suitable for warm or cold climates, able to thrive across the Transition Zone from California to Pennsylvania.
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