Raleigh St. Augustine grass, which is a cold-hardy St. Augustine grass cultivar, was first discovered on a lawn in Raleigh North Carolina and released to the public by North Carolina State University in 1980. It has a medium green color with a coarse texture. The most common installation method of sodding or plugs; seeds are very difficult to obtain if not impossible. Compared to finer textured grasses like bermudas, St. Augustine has large flat stems and broad coarse leaves. It has an attractive blue-green color and forms a deep, fairly dense turf. It spreads by long above-ground runners or stolons. While it is aggressive it is easily controlled around borders.
Potential disease problems are gray leaf spot in the summer and brown patch in the fall; both of these diseases are enhanced by overwatering and after fertilization. Potential insect problems include chinch bugs. This insect becomes active during hot dry periods. They are first detected by brown patches in the lawn that do not recover after watering. A variety of liquid and granular insecticides are available to control chinch bugs. Make an application to the entire lawn and water thoroughly to eliminate the problem.
Raleigh St. Augustine
Raleigh is our most popular turfgrass. It is primarily used for residential and commercial sites. It has a medium to dark green color with wide leaf blades and a high shade tolerance. Raleigh is a relatively aggressive grass that spreads quickly by above-ground runners called stolens. The grass will form a dense lawn that handles moderate traffic. It adapts well from coastal regions to the North Texas areas.
Raleigh St. Augustine Specs
Raleigh St. Augustine Care
At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.
Palmetto is the versatile turfgrass. It is primarily used for residential and commercial sites. The grass has an emerald green color and a massive root system, which make it drought and cold tolerant. Palmetto can thrive within a wide range of climate and soil conditions.
Palmetto St. Augustine Specs
Palmetto St. Augustine Care
Palmetto St. Augustine has a finer textured leaf and stolon when compared to Raleigh. This tighter leaf spacing gives it a thicker look. St. Augustine grasses in general are known for their shade tolerance, and Palmetto has exceptional shade tolerance, even when compared to the most shade tolerant varieties of St. Augustine. In fact, this is the primary reason why palmetto was initially developed in both field shade tests under trees and laboratory testing under canopies of mesh. When several other varieties of St. Augustine gradually declined, Palmetto sod thickness decreased only slightly and maintained a pleasing overall appearance with consistent color among areas exposed varying amounts of light. Palmetto St. Augustine grass can perform well in shaded areas but must be established and maintained properly. Please note that like all turfgrass Palmetto is a living plant, not a miracle grass.
Palmetto will remain green longer than any other variety of St. Augustine, and will stay green much longer than Bermuda grass. Palmetto also greens up very early in the spring. Palmetto has demonstrated very good drought tolerance in field tests. Potential disease problems are gray leaf spot in the summer and brown patch in the fall; both of these diseases are enhanced by overwatering and after fertilization. Potential insect problems include chinch bugs. This insect becomes active during hot dry periods. They are first detected by brown patches in the lawn that do not recover after watering. A variety of liquid and granular insecticides are available to control chinch bugs. Make an application to the entire lawn and water thoroughly to eliminate the problem.
Palmetto St. Augustine is the most sold patented turfgrass in the world with more than 1 Billion square feet sold. Selected for better color and finer texture. Palmetto demonstrates superior shade, cold, frost, heat and drought tolerance. This versatile turfgrass is used across the southern United States from the Carolinas to California under a wide range of climate and soil conditions making it the ideal choice for residential and commercial use. Palmetto St. Augustine is a proven versatile grass that is a standard in many regions.
Named after F.J. Milberger, the pioneer of the Texas turfgrass industry, FJ’s Select exhibits all the outstanding turfgrass qualities needed for a great Texas lawn. Texas A&M University conducted trials in College Station, TX and ranked FJ’s Select as the #1 commercial St. Augustine in overall turfgrass quality. This new warm season turf with improved stolon density forms a soft cushion for all your lawn activities and slower blade growth for less mowing activity.
FJ’s Select Turf is a compact St. Augustine grass with dense horizontal stolon growth and slow vertical growth that requires less mowing than many St. Augustine varieties. For sod production, its compact nature stacks a tighter pallet for easier handling and transportation. FJ’s Select has an excellent green color, good heat tolerance, moderate shade tolerance and resistance to St. Augustine decline disease. Trials conducted at Texas A&M College Station ranked FJ’s Select as the #1 commercial St. Augustine in overall turfgrass quality. FJ’s Select is named for FJ Milberger, the father of the Texas turfgrass industry, who developed the grass.
FJ’s Select exhibits all the outstanding turfgrass qualities needed for a great Texas lawn. This new warm season turf with improved stolon density forms a soft cushion for all your lawn activities and slower blade growth for less mowing activity. While FJ Select does produce a lush and dense turf, the potential for die off is present if watering is ceased during a drought period. Recommended mowing height is 2-3 inches with a rotary mower.
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