"In 1982, an expert with an eye for quality turfgrasses took note of some particularly appealing lawns surrounding civic administration buildings near the town of Ooneshima on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. This grass was noteworthy for its dense growth pattern and lack of weeds. It was also compelling because of its fine texture and more uniform appearance than other grasses in the area. This Zoysia became the original breeding stock for a hybrid grass that Texas A&M University's Texas Agricultural Experiment Station released in July of 1996 as Cavalier Zoysia. Cavalier looks somewhat like Tifway Bermuda grass, but withstands cold better than Tifway. In addition to its cold hardiness, Cavalier demonstrates good shade and salt tolerance. (This salt tolerance allows for application in areas with less than optimal water quality.) Cavalier Zoysia also resists many insects and diseases – including fall armyworm and Rhyzoctonia blight. It has also shown significant resistance to the tropical sod webworm and the tawny mole cricket. Ranked as one of the top zoysia in the NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program), Cavalier Zoysia is an excellent choice for home lawns, golf course fairways and tee boxes, parks and sports fields. Some industry experts believe that Cavalier may be the grass of the future for many golf courses because it grows well in shaded areas, recovers from wear rapidly, and is winter hardy as far north as Kansas City. "
Intended Use: Commercial,Golf,Residential
Mowing Height: 1/2" - 1 1/2"
About Cavalier
Cavalier Zoysia was developed by Dr. Milt Engelke and Texas A&M University. It is a Z matrella which is vegetatively propagated and genetically stable and uniform. Its chromosome number is 2-n=40. Cavalier rated number one in the NTEP trials over 3 years at 24 locations ranging from California- Georgia and north to Nebraska and Colorado.
Home lawns • Golf course fairways and tee boxes • Parks • Sports fields and other recreational areas
Cavalier has been identified by several golf course architects as the “future grass of choice for golf course fairways in the cool season-warm season transition zone.
Emerald Zoysia sod features at-a-glance:
Emerald Zoysia sod has these further characteristics:
Emerald Zoysia sod is ideal for:
Emerald zoysia is a fine-textured, dense-growing, dark green Turfgrass. Emerald was released by the USDA and the Georgia Agricultural Station in 1955 and is known as the “Cadillac” of turf. Emerald is very drought and cold tolerant. It is slow to spread, but once established, it crowds out weeds. It is wear resistant to foot traffic. Emerald grows in full sun but also has good shade tolerance.
Intended Use: Commercial,Golf,Residential
Mowing Height: 3/4" - 2"
A fine-bladed zoysia grass with a deep green color, Geo is one of the most beautiful turf grasses you will find in a landscape. Geo has good to excellent shade tolerance compared to other zoysias and is extremely wear tolerant, making this a top choice for golf courses as well as residential lawns. If you want the best looking lawn in the neighborhood and are willing to perform a little more seasonal maintenance, Geo is the best choice. If your landscape has a limited amount of turf, Geo may also best grass due to its fine blade width.
Geo Zoysia Specs
Geo Zoysia Care
Geo Zoysia is a cross between a Zoysia japonica and a Zoysia tenuifolia that offers specifiers, landscapers, golf course designers, sportsturf managers and homeowners exceptional performance with low maintenance across a wide spectrum of applications. Geo is a dark-green turfgrass with fine-textured leaf blades that grows in a wide variety of soil and climate conditions. Geo performs well in sandy and clay type soils throughout the southern U.S. and has tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots that provide excellent sod strength, wearability, and improved drought tolerance. Geo performs well in hot, arid, sandy areas of the southwest U.S., and has proven itself drought tolerant in many challenging applications. Geo has very good shade tolerance and has performed well in field and homeowner sites. Its shade tolerance is better than that of most Zoysias and it performs well into the transition zone. Additionally, Geo is highly tolerant of most herbicides making it easier to control weeds during production and for the end user.
Production and Quality Control
Genetic purity and preservation of the Geo Zoysia variety is of primary importance. Only licensed turfgrass producers are authorized to grow Geo for sale. All licensed Geo production is monitored through ongoing quality control and quality assurance programs. Additionally, producers can choose to certify their Geo through local state crop certification agencies that provide rigid standards and regulations for production, harvesting, and handling, that when adhered to, ensure a genetically pure, high quality, “certified” product.
Installation and Establishment
Installation and the care taken during the initial days that follow are the most critical factors in determining the long-term quality and performance of Geo Zoysia. Harvesting and transplantation are extremely stressful to any turfgrass and precautionary measures should be taken to help reduce further cultural and environmental stresses. Geo is a tough, hardy turfgrass that once established, produces a beautiful lifetime lawn, landscape, sportsturf or golf course.Proper care, including pre-installation soil preparation and limiting time on the pallet to less than 24 hours, yields positive results. Improper care, however, can cause death of the turfgrass or damage that results in lengthy recovery and additional expense.
Irrigating Newly Installed Geo: Proper watering upon installation is essential to successful establishment
Mowing: New installations are often uneven and care should be taken not to scalp high spots:
Fertility: Use a transplant-friendly regimen that will help reduce shock and minimize disease
Post Establishment
Mowing: Mowing is a critical and often under appreciated cultural practice:
Insecticides: Avoid stress from insects by performing insecticidal applications as needed:
Herbicides: Proper mowing, irrigation and fertilization of Geo will reduce weed problems. If a weed problem persists:
Fungicides: Geo has shown resistance to most fungal problems and controls should be used only as needed:
Irrigation: Established Geo exhibits drought tolerance due to improved plant genetics and growth characteristics:
Fertility: Proper fertility practices will encourage healthy, disease and insect free Geo:
To ensure optimum quality and performance of Geo, users must accomplish necessary care and maintenance. This care and maintenance has been formalized above in the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Geo Zoysia. These BMPs are written as a guide and should be modified as local climate, soil, and environmental conditions dictate. It is important to note that no “magic fertilizer” or “super-chemical” will solve all problems or make any turfgrass perfect. Through consistent application of the BMPs and on-going evaluation, education, and modification of these practices, however, users will greatly enhance the quality and performance of Geo Zoysia.
Keep Your Geo Zoysia Looking Spectatular Year-round
Geo Zoysia is one of the most beautiful turf varieties in the southern United States. But there are some differences maintenance – wise from the wide bladed zoysia’s like EMPIRE Turf. It starts with proper installation and then relies on following the best maintenance practices for the grass.
Zeon Zoysia is the #1 Selling Zoysia in America. And for good reason! This fine textured grass has been called the “most beautiful zoysia on the market today.” Turfgrass professionals and consumers alike often note Zeon’s “Wow Factor”. University tests agree, Zeon Zoysia is truly something special. In NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) testing, Zeon Zoysia ranked #1 in turf quality. NTEP also confirmed that Zeon Zoysia produces far less thatch than other Zoysia grasses tested.
Zeon Zoysia
Zeon Zoysia is the grass of the 2016 Olympics in Rio! Golf has returned as an Olympic sport to the 2016 Games, the grass the golfers are playing on is Zeon Zoysia. The grass was selected for use on the tees, roughs and fairways of the course being built specifically for the Olympics. Zeon’s beauty and playability contributed to the choice. More important, Zeon’s low water use and low fertilizer requirements were critical for the Olympic Committee’s desire to build a sustainable golf course.
Zeon is a fine-bladed Zoysiagrass. It has a beautiful dark green color and soft leaf texture making it a true “barefoot lawn grass.” Zeon Zoysia’s extensive root system allows it to quickly recover from drought, it can handle full sun, and has excellent shade tolerance only requiring as little as 3 hours of direct sunlight.
Zorro® is the #1 rated zoysia grass in the NTEP trials. It is a very fine bladed zoysia with a deep, green color that is suitable for golf courses, commercial and residential lawns.
Zorro’s density, texture, and adaptability to different mowing heights offer an excellent playing surface for tees, fairways, fringes and roughs. Zorro can be mowed with a reel mower at 1/4” or with a rotary at 2”. Zorro has superior shade tolerance to most other warm season grasses allowing it to grow in areas other grasses simply can’t. Zorro has excellent fall color retention and is an ideal choice from the tropics to the transition zone.
Not only is this Zoysia a great product for Golf Courses but it is an unbelievable grass in your yard and commercial business.
Have you ever seen a healthier looking sports turf in the shade than Zorro? This grass is the #1 zoysia in the world for a reason!
Tolerance chart
Wear tolerance
Shade tolerance
Cold tolerance
Drought tolerance
Mowing Heights
1/4” to 3”
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